Sunday, February 13, 2011

Is a little privacy way to much to ask?

As we go about our daily lives, what I think about is the way things have changed, our tactics, why do a lot of us prefer to email rather than meet up at the nearest Tim Hortons, to text message rather then simply picking up the phone. What are we simply trying to avoid?

 I believe our online-only contact, make us less vulnerable. In the privacy of our own home , we can try to reach out and build relationships with strangers. This reduces our human experience and communicating face to face, we just jump right into the body of the conversation. As a result we tend to lose a bit of the heart in the process and feeling towards what we would really say in person. When we communicate using email, texting and twitter it seems as though email would be the best used, common, and professionally used in businesses. When we talk about privacy issues that arise when you are not willing to allow other contacts to see a particular piece of information, most people are still willing to give away their email addresses  which makes email a lot less private. 

With my experience, I have signed up for different social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Tumbler and so forth. As we continue to get new forms of communication our privacy protection risks for each increase dramatically. I personally change my private setting just so I don’t receive random invites, or unsolicited messages and etc. Being a part of these social networks and being aware of privacy issues, I am aware in what I want people to see and view for that matter. On the flip side majority of social networking sites don’t have enough privacy protection, you simply can’t control other people viewing and making comments on your live data. 

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